We asked you all to share predictions for next year, and we’re sharing some of the most interesting responses below. (Note: There were a lot of takes about Elon Musk and Twitter, so perhaps the most obvious prediction for 2023 is that he will continue to dominate our conversations.)

- “Some companies are going to use the recession as an excuse to cut benefits and inspire a fear to quit in their employees.” (Abril, Argentina)
- “The SaaS industry reaches its plateau. There will be less adoption and more focus on cybersecurity. There will be [hundreds] more cybersecurity companies emerging, making managed security providers more valuable.” (Ryan, St. John’s)
- “The used car market is going to crash thanks to Carvana’s bankruptcy.” (Ariah, Cooperstown, NY)
- “Companies will continue to make budget cuts and will cut to a skeleton staff. This means overall growth as well as development will slow down and even come to a halt for some companies.” (Keith, Monroe, NC)
- “With organizations tightening their budgets, those that have been insistent about a full return to on-site work will finally realize they can cut a lot of costs by doing away with so much office space. A better bottom line and a more satisfied workforce can co-exist.” (Christine, Woodbury, MN)
- “A recession will be worse than any of the experts are predicting.” (Ken, Atlanta, GA)
- “Proof of aliens will be undeniable. Some event will force governments to admit they knew all along. Aliens will warn us that unless we change, we will face self-destruction.” (Jeff, Oshawa, Ontario)
- “The tech industry will feel musky on its road to progress in 2023.” (Deepa, New Delhi, India)
- “Given the negative effects of blue light on sleep, the addictive nature of social media, and the increased preference of experiences over things, there will be a ground swell movement of “non-addictive” apps, no-tech trackers, games, and in-person experiences that will see more exponential growth in 2023 and beyond.” (Marc, Kennett Square, PA)
- “By December 2023, our global “Best of” articles will be authored by ChatGPT.” (Adam, Kelowna, British Columbia)