Things are finally looking up for everyone’s favorite struggling ghost.

Less than a month after launching, “Stay Tuned” — NBC’s original daily news segment on Snapchat — has garnered 29 million unique viewers, 60% of whom are in the coveted under-25 age bracket.
The 2-3 minute show gained 1m of these subscribers the first 2 ½ weeks, making it one of the fastest growing shows ever on the platform.
And it’s not beginner’s luck
Snapchat has been engaged in a concerted effort to develop original content (re: shit Zuckerberg can’t steal) — and it’s been working out pretty decently.
They’ve previously seen major success on their Discover feed, including 12m views for Discovery’s “Shark Week” and 8m average views for episodes of E!’s “The Rundown.”
But “Stay Tuned” marks Snapchat’s first foray into harder news — and proof that the company can sustain more than just video tutorials on Kylie Jenner’s lip kits.
Just one thing…
In Snapchat’s case, a “view” is just someone opening a video, which means we don’t know how many people are engaged viewers (i.e. snapping their way through the news) vs. dropping off after a couple milliseconds.
Regardless, these successes helped propel Snap, Inc. stock to its best week ever last week (a 19.4% gain). Though, they’ve got a long way to go to get back to IPO prices — and investors are still unsure how exactly these view numbers will translate to earnings.